Saturday, November 8, 2008

o Self Reliance in the Time of Globalization

Globalization has lead to citizens having little to no control over very important factors in their lives. Take a look around, does anything you own or rely on come from a local source? Most likely you are:
  • Detached from your food supply (Agro-business, Mexico)
  • Detached from your oil supply (Venezuela, Russia, Middle East)
  • Detached from your electricity supply (Power plants)
  • Detached from your electronics (Japan)
  • Detached from your clothing supply (China)
  • Detached from your money supply (Federal Reserve)
  • Detached from your mortgage (Wall Street)
  • Detached from reality (US Weekly and Desperate Housewives)
We the American people have become consumption vessels relying on the "kindness" of strangers to provide us with our daily needs. I would rather rely on my self. Its time to think and act locally, from producing your own electricity to growing some basic crops to taking out mortgages from local banks.

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