Sunday, October 11, 2009

o The Nobel Peace Prize

The five members of the Norwegian Nobel Committee award the Nobel Peace Prize each year. It carries no official powers or responsibilities. The five judges can award the prize to whomever they want, unlike an election or Olympic gold medal which is won in competition.

If people don't like how the Nobel Prize is awarded, there is something that can be done. Create an independent peace prize.

Create a website with an award called the "World's Noble Peace Prize". Allow people to nominate persons or organizations for the award. Have people register for the site and pay $10 for the right to vote once on who they feel should win the "World's Noble Peace Prize". Tally the votes online or have people send in ballots. An outside auditor can verify the results. Donate the proceeds to the winner's charity of choice. This will democratize the process and give a global voice to the decision.

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