Components (object):
Physical plant, hospitals
Medical equipment
Components (human):
Physical therapist
Components (activity) :
Components (money):
Step 1. Take insurance out of the hands of employers and make individuals purchase their own. The correct behavior modifications can only be controlled with money as an incentive. Company health care policies mask the true expenditure on insurance.
Step 2. Increase competition among health care providers by allowing doctors and hospitals to accept any insurance company payment.
Step 3. Cap lawsuits for medical malpractice or drug related complications. Maintain a list of the 95 percent most common types of lawsuits and have a maximum payment associated with the malpractice. Also include a social penalty against those that lose a case to discourage frivolous suits.
Step 4. Fund open source software for doctors and hospitals to use. Encourage use of standardized record keeping software and databases.
Step 5. Create and design educational programs within universities called hospital management. Put the programs on par with hotel and restaurant management schools. Do not have doctors run hospitals, have professionals.
Step 6. Create a two tier health insurance system. One is for catastrophic accidents and one for personal health care. Require everyone to purchase catastrophic insurance.
Step 7. Create a Wellness Index. 1 being poor health, near death and 100 being great health. Have mandatory yearly checkups. The Index number determines your rates, much like a credit score. Those who score 90 or higher receive a check from their insurance company. Failure to meet minimum health standards may result in fines or community service.
Step 8. Tax foods $0.10 per gram of fat.
Step 9. Subsidize gym visits and personal trainers through lower insurance cost
Step 10. Create a profession called Health Care Professional. Require only 2 years of school and 1 year residency. Have them take care of the little stuff and do house calls. Pay them directly.
Step 11. Reduce the cycle of time it takes for a drug to hit the market. Fund bio-informatics. Create custom drugs based on individual DNA.
Step 12. Reverse the mentality. Health care coverage is a privilege, not a right. Refuse lung cancer treatment for smokers or liver care for drinkers.
Step 13. Have government subsidized for people under the age of 21 and over the age of 60. From 21 to 60 years, you are on your own.
Step 14. Chronic hereditary health problems may require special attention.
Health Care Chart

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